Teach a Child - Africa
Email: admin@tac-africa.org
Web: www.tac-africa.org
Teach a Child - Africa (TaC) provides school fees and other necessities for children in poor communities who have been orphaned by AIDS. In 2012, we supported 33 children in Nyanza Province, Kenya, enabling them to attend secondary school and develop the skills they need to fight poverty and reach their potential in life. A number of previous benficiaries have gone on to study at university.
TaC was officially launched on December 1st 2007, World AIDS Day, at New Road Baptist Church, Oxford. Today, TaC has affiliates in Kenya, Switzerland and the UK and we have an active group of fundraisers in the Oxford area.
We believe that every child has the right to complete their secondary education regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation. Together we can help children orphaned by AIDS to finish school and reach their potential. Give a donation today and help to teach a child. We are grateful for all donations, large and small. It costs approximately £30 per month for four years to send a child to secondary school.